EuroVélo 6

EuroVélo 6 will take you on a stunning trip from the Black Sea to the Atlantic via Budapest and Nantes. Along the way, you will experience culture and nature while effortlessly crossing borders and will be able to see beautiful and perhaps undreamed-of sites.

1,300 km of managed routes

Of the 1,300 km of managed routes, almost half cross or border the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region!

Easy and pleasant greenways

The easy and pleasant greenways, which mostly follow canals and rivers, alternate in places with sections on small, signposted roads. All the charm of the region can be enjoyed, such as the Doubs countryside, the valleys of the Saône and the Loire, the Côte de Beaune and Côte Chalonnaise vineyards, and the towns of Montbéliard, Besançon, Dole, Chalon-sur-Saône, Nevers and La Charité-sur-Loire.

The route is flat, safe and well-maintained.

EuroVélo 6 passes through the Pays de Montbéliard for 32 km, where it runs alongside the Rhone-Rhine Canal and the Doubs. As a result, the route is flat, safe and well-maintained. Along the way, you can explore Montbéliard marina and Près-la-Rose park, and feats of engineering such as the Allenjoie aqueduct (1926), the Courcelles-les-Montbéliard lift bridge (1914) and Brognard lock.

> Booklet and guide is available from the Tourist Office