• 3L1A2653 Chloé Petit et Axel Graradje-Emmonot

Visite guidée Route des Savoir-faire : CFA du Pays de Montbéliard École Boudard

As part of the CFA, discover the Boudard School, created in the 1980s to train saddlers and leatherworkers. The workshops teach manufacturing methods from design to production: cutting and preparing leather, "Sellier couture" (hand stitching) and sanding and polishing for the manufacture of luxury products.

Visit organised as part of the Route des Savoir-faire.
Booking essential at the Tourist Office (

Horaires et ouvertures

Next date
On 2023-10-05 (09:00 à 11:00)
Other dates
On 2023-11-02 (09:00 à 11:00)
On 2023-12-07 (09:00 à 11:00)


CFA du Pays de Montbéliard
1 Rue des Frères Lumières