• Opéra ©Pixabay

Festival Les Quatre Saisons / Automne : Les Cata Divas


This lyrical comedy takes a bold and self-deprecating approach to the world of opera! Faced with the reproving gaze of their pianist Jeanne during a chaotic rehearsal, the invaluable soprano Céline and the overly spontaneous mezzo Cécile have to put their resentment aside to bring off a concert where the beauty of their performance will soon come up against some funny and absurd settling of scores. A fine show that blends humour and lyrical art.

RUNTIME: 1 hour 15 minutes

Show starts at 8.30pm - Doors open from 7.30pm

Horaires et ouvertures

Next date
On 2023-09-21 (20:30 à 21:20)


Base rate mini : 10 €
Théâtre de Montbéliard
Rue de l'École Française