• Coup de pouce pour les mares photothèque

Sortie 123 Nature : Coup de pouce pour les mares

Come and help us to re-open ponds and a clearing in the Prés Nicard sensitive natural area to encourage the presence of dragonflies, frogs and other newts. Bring suitable clothing, boots, gloves, shovels, secateurs, small saws or serpettes if you have them.

Speaker : CEN FC
Free of charge.
For adults only.
Limited number of places. Registration required at 03 81 94 45 60 (OT).
Duration: 2 hours

Horaires et ouvertures

Next date
On 2023-10-07 (14:00 à 16:00)
Parking de la brasserie de la Cude
Means of payment
Credit card
Cheques and postal orders