Diairi wedges garment workshop

Since June 1991, the Tourist Office of the Montbéliard region has brought the câle à diairi back into fashion by creating beading workshops.
Today, the câlières (embroiderers of câles à diairi), are still nearly 20, working to promote this local heritage. In addition to the diairis, the câlières have created a whole range of articles that enrich the tourist office shop: frames, boxes, dolls, etc. They are also specialists in the restoration of old headdresses.

The diairi workshops take place on Tuesdays from 2pm to 4pm, except during the school holidays, in the hall on the ground floor of the Simone Veil Cultural Centre in Montbéliard.

Discover until September 17th 2023, the exhibition "Des coiffes et nous. Mémoires de territoire" at the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Hôtel Beurnier-Rossel, an exhibition entirely dedicated to the Diairi of the Montbéliard region.

The Diairi workshop of the Tourist Office of the Pays de Montbéliard offers an introductory course in this beading technique during the All Saints' holiday, from 23 to 28 October 2023 at the Simone Veil centre, from 2 to 4 pm.
Reservation and information at the Tourist Office 03 81 94 45 60 - 20€.
1 rue Henri Mouhot