Just a stone's throw from the temple, an elegant residence built in 1774 opens just for you...

On the first floor, time stands still under the reign of the Württemberg family. Romantic paintings and marquetry set the scene for a bourgeois interior from centuries gone by.
On the second floor, the time machine freezes its cursor between the 18th and 19th centuries, presenting a collection of popular images, craft tools, clothing and culinary objects, signs and Montbéliard furniture from domestic, social and religious life.
In the attic, music boxes from the Manufacture l'Epée play their charming scores.

Ticket office closes at 5.30pm.
The museums are free on the first Sunday of the month.
Opening dates and times

May to December:
Wed. Sat. and Sun. 9.30am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 6pm
Thurs. and Fri. from 13h30 to 18h

School holidays: Wednesday to Sunday 9.30am-12.30pm / 1.30pm-6pm

Next date
From 2024-05-01 to 2024-12-31


Base rate - full rate adult mini : 3 €
Special rate mini : 2 €
Other rate (Escape Game) mini : 60 €
8 place Saint Martin
Hôtel Beurnier Rossel
03 81 99 22 61
Means of payment
Credit card
Cheques and postal orders